What is Biodanza?
Biodanza, ‘The Dance of Life’ is a system of improvised movements which originally was developed in the 1960s by the Chilean psychologist Rolando Toro, and now is loved by people in 54 countries. The system brings to today’s world dances and body movements from ancient and modern traditions. You will be dancing solo, in twos and in groups. There are fast dances for physical well-being and vitality, and slow exercises which helps relieve the stress of your busy week.
Biodanza is suitable for anyone, of any age and any ability.
Biodanza on Zoom:
Mondays 12.00 -13:00 (GMT) (Language Russian)
Saturdays in person *Please register (Language English)
Биоданза – танцевальная сессия, сочетающая музыку, движение и самоисследования. Первая часть сессии настройка на физические ресурсы с быстрыми движениями, ускоряющими ритмы тела, кровообращение и дыхание. Вторая часть – настройка на психо-эмоциональные ресурсы, снятие стресса и регрессия.
fb page: Russian Community Association
Biodanza on Zoom:
Monday 12:00 – 13:00 (GMT)
Информация/Information on t.07786961523